.. highlight:: java I2C === The `I2C `_ class allows you to communicate with any I2C sensors on the board. Reading and writing data is done with the `readData `_ and `writeData `_ methods. Unlike other sensors, the I2C module directly returns the data to the user in an AsyncOperation object rather than routing the data through a data route. :: import com.mbientlab.metawear.module.I2C; // On MetaWear R boards, this reads the WHO_AM_I register from the accelerometer I2C i2cModule= mwBoard.getModule(I2C.class); i2cModule.readData(0x1c, 0xd, 1).onComplete(new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void success(byte[] result) { Log.i("MainActivity", String.format("WHO_AM_I= %d", result[0])); } });