.. MetaWear Android API documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Apr 15 12:30:51 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. MetaWear Android API ==================== The MetaWear Android API provides a simple way to communicate with your MetaWear boards using an Android app. This guide will cover the functionality of the Android API and how to setup your project to use the API. If you are interested in the finer details of the library, the source code is available on our `GitHub page `_. We also have `iOS `_ and `C++ `_ APIs if Android is not your preferred platform. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 library_setup metawearboard routing_sensor_data accelerometer bma255_accelerometer bme280_barometer bme280_humidity bmi160_accelerometer bmi160_gyro bmm150_magnetometer bmp280_barometer data_processor gpio haptic i2c ibeacon led logging ltr329_light_sensor macro mma8452q_accelerometer multichannel_temperature neopixel sensor_fusion settings spi tcs34725_color_detector timer tsl2671_proximity_detector