.. highlight:: java Logging ======= The `Logging `_ class interacts with the logger, which stores sensor data to the on-board flash memory. Starting the Logger ------------------- To start logging, call the `startLogging `_ method. If you wish to overwrite existing entries, use the `overloaded `_ method instead. :: import com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Logging; final Logging logModule= mwBoard.getModule(Logging.class); // start logging, if log is full, no new data will be added logModule.startLogging(); // start logging, if log is full, overrite existing data logModule.startLogging(true); Downloading Data ---------------- When you are ready to retrieve the data, call the `downloadLog `_ method. The method takes in a `DownloadHandler `_, which handles notifications from the logger, and how often to send progress updates to the user. It also returns an AsyncOperation object that contains the number of entries to download. :: // Start downloading the log // All MessageHandlers passed to setLogMessageHandler will be called logModule.downloadLog(new Logging.DownloadHandler() { @Override public void onProgressUpdate(int nEntriesLeft, int totalEntries) { Log.i("MainActivity", String.format("Progress= %d / %d", nEntriesLeft, totalEntries)); } });