.. highlight:: java MultiChannel Temperature ======================== The `MultiChannelTemperature `_ class interacts with the various temperature sources on the MetaWear board. This class improves upon the older temperature module by enabling users to read temperatures from multiple sources simultaneously and is only available on firmware v1.0.4 or later. Like the GPIO module, the temp module does not have a built in sampling function for reading temperature data, thus you will need to use the :doc:`timer` module to schedule periodic reads. Source ------ A `temperature source `_ is a creator of temperature data. The older MetaWear R boards have two sources: the on-die sensor from the NRF soc and an optional external thermistor that can be connected to the GPIO pins. The newer R Pro boards have an additional two sources: an internal thermistor and the sensor from the BMP280 barometer chip. You can retrieve a list of available sources on the board by calling `getSources `_. Constants are provided in the `MetaWearProChannel `_ and `MetaWearRChannel `_ classes to index the source list returned from `getSources `_. Some temperature sources have some additional settings that must be configured before reading temperature data. The `external thermistor `_ source requires setting the analog read pin, pulldown pin, and active state before temperature data can be read. :: import com.mbientlab.metawear.MultiChannelTemperature; import com.mbientlab.metawear.MultiChannelTemperature.*; import java.util.List; MultiChannelTemperature mcTempModule= mwBoard.getModule(MultiChannelTemperature.class); List tempSources= mcTempModule.getSources(); // configure the external thermistor settings // read data from pin 0, pulldown on pin 1, active low ExtThermistor extTherm= (ExtThermistor) tempSources.get(MetaWearRChannel.EXT_THERMISTOR); extTherm.configure((byte) 0, (byte) 1, false); Reading Temperature ------------------- To read temperature from the board, call the `readTemperature `_ method. You will need to pass in a temperature source, which can be selected from the sources provided by the getSources method. Data is interpreted as a float and reported in degrees Celsius. :: // Route data from the nrf soc temperature sensor mcTempModule.routeData() .fromSource(tempSources.get(MetaWearRChannel.NRF_DIE)).stream("temp_nrf_stream") .commit().onComplete(new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void sucess(RouteManager result) { result.subscribe("temp_nrf_stream", new MessageHandler() { @Override public void process() { Log.i("MainActivity", String.format("Ext thermistor: %.3fC", msg.getData(Float.class))); } }); // Read temperature from the NRF soc chip mcTempModule.readTemperature(tempSources.get(MetaWearRChannel.NRF_DIE)); } });