.. highlight:: java Gyroscope ========== The MetaWear boards come with either the BMI160 or the BMI270 gyroscope from Bosch. While there are specific classes for either type of gyroscope, a generic class has been created to configure the gyroscope generically. Only the output data rate and somes modes can be changed using this class. The gyro is represented by the `Gyro `_ interface. :: import com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Gyro; final Gyro gyro = board.getModule(Gyro.class); Configuration ------------- Like the accelerometer, the gyro also has a configurable output data rate and range. Use the gyro's `ConfigEditor `_. to set these parameters. :: import com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Gyro.Range; import com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Gyro.OutputDataRate; // set the data rat to 50Hz and the // data range to +/- 2000 degrees/s gyro.configure() .odr(OutputDataRate.ODR_50_HZ) .range(Range.FSR_2000) .commit(); This is particularly helpful when configuring the sensor fusion settings. To retrieve the angular velocity (gyroscope) signal, please see the specific gyro interface.