porting app from api v 1.9.3 to 2.2.0

Hi all,

I'm trying to port my app from MetaWear api v. 1.9.3 to 2.2.0.

After binding the MetaWear service and retrieving the board I access the modules I need with:

try {
switchModule = mwBoard.getModule(Switch.class);
settingsModule = mwBoard.getModule(Settings.class);
hapticModule = mwBoard.getModule(Haptic.class);
} catch (UnsupportedModuleException ume) {}

the above code is triggered after selecting the device but the resulting modules are null. Is there anything I need to do before I can access the modules objects? Where and how I'm supposed to initialise these modules?

Firmware v. 1.0.3
MetaWear Api v. 2.2.0

Thanks for any suggestion.


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