TimeoutException: Creating a Metawear timer timed out after 3000ms
by Eric ·I don't need the entire stack trace but it should contain at least all of the MetaWear API calls. -
Inconsistent frequency when streaming at 50hz.
by kkflf ·https://mbientlab.com/androiddocs/latest/data_route.html#stream -
how to restart downloading existing logs post an app crash / restart?
by Eric ·https://mbientlab.com/androiddocs/2.8.6/metawearboard.html#serialization -
Accellerometer monitor
by Eric ·As stated in the documentation, a monitor should only contain metawear functions as it is programming the board to react every time new sensor data is available. If you want your android device to r… -
APP Template can't find my CPRO
by Eric ·Can other apps, like the nRF Connect app find the board with a scan? -
Downloading Logged Sensor Data
by Eric ·Setting up a data route to log data is covered here and the following section, and controlling the logger is covered here. -
Can't connect to RPRO board
by Eric ·See the Javadocs for parameter details. -
Indefinite advertisement period
by Eric ·You can use the Settings.ConfigEditor object to disable advertisement and Settings.startAdvertisement to start advertising again. These functions are for normal advertisement though. -
High speed streaming / workarounds for the streaming limit
by Eric ·https://mbientlab.com/androiddocs/latest/routing_sensor_data.html#splitter -
Difficulty using data processors
by Deepak010 ·Oh! Thanks for the clarification. The documentation you have for sample shows that we can use sample filter with routeData().fromAxes(). -
GPIO with C#
by Eric ·m/mbientlab/Metawear-CppAPI/wiki/API-v0.3.0-How-To#sensor-data -
MetaWear CPRO Sensor Fusion
by gbeatty ·Ideally what I'm looking for is something similar to Android's Rotation_Vector. Android uses the same sensors that are available on the CPRO to return a rotation axis and an angle of rotation about t… -
How to change device name
by Eric ·Code snippet is available on the Android docs page:https://mbientlab.com/androiddocs/#settings. You can also change the device name with the MetaWear App using the "Settings" panel. -
Best Practice to monitor MetaWare
by Eric ·Actually, I have an alternate idea that may work better. Instead of using iBeacon mode, you can try using the settings module to to manually change the scan rseponse with the setScanResponse method.… -
Logging Acceleration Offline (n00b question)
by Eric ·You can serialize the board's internal state and store it to your device's filesystem. When you restart your app, you can restore the board's state. -
Android API v2.0.12
by Eric ·Version 2.0.12 fixes more bugs on the 2.0.0 release. Jar file can be downloaded from the GitHub releases page (https://github.com/mbientlab/Metawear-AndroidAPI/releases/download/2.0.12/metawear-2.0.… -
Logging Acceleration Offline (n00b question)
by Eric ·* The key passed into setLogMessageHandler and the log method must match, same with subscribe/unsubscribe and stream. In your code, you are using different keys. -
Any update when will EddyStone be supported?
by Eric ·https://mbientlab.com/docs/metawear/android/1.9.0/com/mbientlab/metawear/api/controller/Settings.html#setScanResponse(byte[]) -
by Eric ·1.8.0 is sufficient, there isn't anything in 1.9.3 that you would need for what you are doing at the moment. -
by Mark_L ·Yup, for example, when 3:00 startTimer and after 30 seconds I stopTimer, the difference is 30s, and what i want to know is how to get this 30 seconds using metawear board. thanks Eric