nRF Connect, 2018-11-21 MetaBoot (E3:C3:50:5F:49:77) V 10:03:25.439 Connecting to E3:C3:50:5F:49:77... D 10:03:25.439 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false, TRANSPORT_LE) D 10:03:25.747 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 0 and new state: CONNECTED (2) I 10:03:25.747 Connected to E3:C3:50:5F:49:77 D 10:03:25.782 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED V 10:03:25.798 Discovering services... D 10:03:25.798 gatt.discoverServices() D 10:03:25.854 [Callback] Services discovered with status: 0 I 10:03:25.854 Services discovered V 10:03:25.884 Generic Access (0x1800) Device Name [R W] (0x2A00) Appearance [R] (0x2A01) Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters [R] (0x2A04) Central Address Resolution [R] (0x2AA6) Generic Attribute (0x1801) Service Changed [I] (0x2A05) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902) Device Firmware Update Service (00001530-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) DFU Packet [WNR] (00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) DFU Control Point [N W] (00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902) DFU Version [R] (00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) Device Information (0x180A) Manufacturer Name String [R] (0x2A29) Model Number String [R] (0x2A24) Serial Number String [R] (0x2A25) Hardware Revision String [R] (0x2A27) Firmware Revision String [R] (0x2A26) D 10:03:25.884 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, true) D 10:03:25.887 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, true) V 10:04:08.484 [DFU] DFU service started V 10:04:08.484 [DFU] Opening file... I 10:04:08.577 [DFU] Firmware file opened successfully V 10:04:08.577 [DFU] Connecting to DFU target... D 10:04:08.599 [DFU] gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false) I 10:04:08.599 [DFU] Connected to E3:C3:50:5F:49:77 V 10:04:08.599 [DFU] Discovering services... D 10:04:08.599 [DFU] gatt.discoverServices() I 10:04:08.633 [DFU] Services discovered D 10:04:08.686 [DFU] wait(1000) V 10:04:09.685 [DFU] Reading DFU version number... D 10:04:09.685 [DFU] gatt.readCharacteristic(00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 10:04:09.755 [DFU] Read Response received from 00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 08-00 A 10:04:09.755 [DFU] Version number read: 0.8 D 10:04:09.755 [DFU] wait(1000) V 10:04:10.756 [DFU] Enabling notifications for 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 10:04:10.756 [DFU] gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, true) D 10:04:10.756 [DFU] gatt.writeDescriptor(00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value=0x01-00) I 10:04:10.826 [DFU] Data written to descr.00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 01-00 V 10:04:10.826 [DFU] Notifications enabled for 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 A 10:04:10.826 [DFU] Notifications enabled D 10:04:10.826 [DFU] wait(1000) V 10:04:11.823 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 10:04:11.823 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 10:04:11.885 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 01-04 A 10:04:11.885 [DFU] DFU Start sent (Op Code = 1, Upload Mode = 4) V 10:04:11.885 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 10:04:11.885 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 10:04:11.885 [DFU] Data written to 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-F1-01-00 A 10:04:11.885 [DFU] Firmware image size sent (0b, 0b, 127232b) I 10:04:12.566 Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value: (0x) 10-01-01 A 10:04:12.566 "Response for: Start DFU Value: Success" received I 10:04:12.575 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-01-01 A 10:04:12.575 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 1 Status = 1) A 10:04:12.575 [DFU] Writing Initialize DFU Parameters... V 10:04:12.575 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 10:04:12.575 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 10:04:12.628 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 02-00 V 10:04:12.628 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 10:04:12.628 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 10:04:12.628 [DFU] Data written to 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 05-00-03-00-FF-FF-FF-FF-01-00-A8-00-96-8E V 10:04:12.628 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 10:04:12.628 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 10:04:12.713 Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value: (0x) 10-02-01 A 10:04:12.713 "Response for: Initialize DFU Parameters Value: Success" received I 10:04:12.718 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-02-01 I 10:04:12.718 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-02-01 A 10:04:12.718 [DFU] Initialize DFU Parameters completed A 10:04:12.718 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 2, Status = 1) V 10:04:12.718 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 10:04:12.718 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 10:04:12.799 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 03 A 10:04:12.799 [DFU] Receive Firmware Image request sent A 10:04:12.806 [DFU] Uploading firmware... V 10:04:12.806 [DFU] Sending firmware to characteristic 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123... I 10:07:24.954 Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value: (0x) 10-03-01 A 10:07:24.954 "Response for: Receive firmware image Value: Success" received I 10:07:24.969 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-03-01 A 10:07:24.969 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 3, Status = 1) A 10:07:24.969 [DFU] Upload completed in 189243 ms V 10:07:24.969 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 10:07:24.969 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 10:07:25.023 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 04 A 10:07:25.023 [DFU] Validate request sent I 10:07:25.043 Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value: (0x) 10-04-01 A 10:07:25.043 "Response for: Validation firmware Value: Success" received I 10:07:25.061 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-04-01 A 10:07:25.061 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 4, Status = 1) V 10:07:25.068 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 10:07:25.068 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 10:07:25.112 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 05 A 10:07:25.112 [DFU] Activate and Reset request sent D 10:07:25.162 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 19 and new state: DISCONNECTED (0) W 10:07:25.162 Connection terminated by peer (status 19) I 10:07:25.162 Disconnected D 10:07:25.163 gatt.refresh() (hidden) I 10:07:25.172 [DFU] Disconnected by the remote device D 10:07:25.172 [DFU] gatt.refresh() (hidden) D 10:07:25.212 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED D 10:07:25.262 [DFU] gatt.close() D 10:07:25.262 [DFU] wait(1400) D 10:07:25.262 [DFU] [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED D 10:07:26.639 gatt.close() D 10:07:26.640 wait(200) V 10:07:26.842 Connecting to E3:C3:50:5F:49:77... D 10:07:26.842 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false, TRANSPORT_LE) D 10:07:27.101 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 0 and new state: CONNECTED (2) I 10:07:27.101 Connected to E3:C3:50:5F:49:77 D 10:07:27.132 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED V 10:07:27.151 Discovering services... D 10:07:27.151 gatt.discoverServices() D 10:07:28.077 [Callback] Services discovered with status: 0 I 10:07:28.078 Services discovered V 10:07:28.094 Generic Access (0x1800) Device Name [R W] (0x2A00) Appearance [R] (0x2A01) Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters [R] (0x2A04) Central Address Resolution [R] (0x2AA6) Generic Attribute (0x1801) Service Changed [I] (0x2A05) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902) Device Firmware Update Service (00001530-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) DFU Packet [WNR] (00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) DFU Control Point [N W] (00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902) DFU Version [R] (00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) Device Information (0x180A) Manufacturer Name String [R] (0x2A29) Model Number String [R] (0x2A24) Serial Number String [R] (0x2A25) Hardware Revision String [R] (0x2A27) Firmware Revision String [R] (0x2A26) D 10:07:28.094 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, true) D 10:07:28.096 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, true)