.. highlight:: cpp Ambient Light Sensor ==================== MetaWear RPro and Cpro, and MetaDetector board come with a `Lite-On LTR-329ALS `_ ambient light sensor. Functions interacting with the light sensor are defined in the `ambientlight_ltr329.h `_ header file. Configuration ------------- The LTR329 sensor has 3 configurable parameters: ================ ========================================= Parameter Description ================ ========================================= Gain Controls data range and resolution Integration Time Measurement time for each cycle Measurement Rate How frequently to update illuminance data ================ ========================================= Possible values for each of these parameters are defined in their respective enums. After configuring the API with the desired settings, call `mbl_mw_als_ltr329_write_config `_. to write the settings to the sensor. :: #include "metawear/sensor/ambientlight_ltr329.h" void configure_als(MblMwMetaWearBoard* board) { // Set sensor gain to 96x mbl_mw_als_ltr329_set_gain(board, MBL_MW_ALS_LTR329_GAIN_96X); // Set the integration time to 400ms mbl_mw_als_ltr329_set_integration_time(board, MBL_MW_ALS_LTR329_TIME_400MS); // Set the measurement rate to 1000ms mbl_mw_als_ltr329_set_measurement_rate(board, MBL_MW_ALS_LTR329_RATE_1000MS); // Write the configuration to the sensor mbl_mw_als_ltr329_write_config(board); } Illuminance Measurement ----------------------- To start measuring illuminance, call `mbl_mw_als_ltr329_start `_. Illuminance data is represented as an unsigned integer and is in units of milli lux. :: #include "metawear/core/datasignal.h" void setup_illuminance_stream(MblMwMetaWearBoard* board) { auto data_handler = [](void* context, const MblMwData* data) -> void { // Cast value to uint32_t* printf("%dmlx\n", *((uint32_t*) data->value)); }; auto acc_signal= mbl_mw_als_ltr329_get_illuminance_data_signal(board); mbl_mw_datasignal_subscribe(acc_signal, nullptr, data_handler); mbl_mw_als_ltr329_start(board); }