.. highlight:: cpp Proximity Detector ================== MetaDetector boards come equipped with a `TSL2671 `_ proximity detector. Functions communicating with the detector are defined in `proximity_tsl2671.h `_ header file. Configuration ------------- The TSL2671 detector has 4 configurable parameters that control the sensitivity and distance at which the detector can measure proximity: =================== =================================================================== Parameter Description =================== =================================================================== Integration Time How long the internal ADC converts analog input into digital counts Pulse Count Number of IR pulses emitted for distance measuring Receiver Diode Which photodiode to use for measure incoming light Transmitter Current Amount of current driving the IR transmitter =================== =================================================================== It is recommended that you use the channel 1 receiver ,and set the transmitter current to 25mA or less if your board is powered by a CR2032 battery. To write your settings to the sensor, call `mbl_mw_proximity_tsl2671_write_config `_ after choosing your desired settings. :: #include "metawear/sensor/proximity_tsl2671.h" void configure_proximity(MblMwMetaWearBoard* board) { // Set the integration time 5.44ms mbl_mw_proximity_tsl2671_set_integration_time(board, 5.44); // Use 32 pulses to sense proximity mbl_mw_proximity_tsl2671_set_n_pulses(board, 32); // Use receiver channel 1 mbl_mw_proximity_tsl2671_set_receiver_channel(board, MBL_MW_PROXIMITY_TSL2671_CHANNEL_1); // Use a transmitter current of 12.5mA mbl_mw_proximity_tsl2671_set_transmitter_current(board, MBL_MW_PROXIMITY_TSL2671_CURRENT_12_5MA); // Write configuration to the sensor mbl_mw_proximity_tsl2671_write_config(board); } Distance Measurement -------------------- Measuring distance is manually triggred by calling `mbl_mw_datasignal_read `_ with a proximity data signal. The distance data is expressed as an ADC value that is inversely proportional to distance; the ADC value is represented as an unsigned integer. :: #include "metawear/core/datasignal.h" #include "metawear/sensor/proximity_tsl2671.h" void proximity_stream(MblMwMetaWearBoard* board) { auto signal = mbl_mw_proximity_tsl2671_get_adc_data_signal(board); mbl_mw_datasignal_subscribe(signal, nullptr, [](void* context, const MblMwData* data) { // cast to uint32_t* printf("distance adc= %d\n", *((uint32_t*) data->value)); }); mbl_mw_datasignal_read(signal); }