.. highlight:: cpp Data Processor ============== Data processors are functions in the firmware that filter or transform sensor data and are represented by the `MblMwDataProcessor `_ struct. In the C++ API, data processors can be thought of as a data signal whose data is produced by the on-board data processor. As such, a `MblMwDataProcessor `_ can be safely typecasted to a `MblMwDataSignal `_. This section will focus on the `MblMwDataProcessor `_ struct. Details on supported processors and how to create them are covered in the :doc:`dataprocessor` section. State ----- Some processors have an internal state that can be read and modified; the internal state is treated as a `MblMwDataSignal `_. Reading the internal state is triggered manually by calling `mbl_mw_dataprocessor_read_state `_. :: #include "metawear/core/datasignal.h" #include "metawear/processor/dataprocessor.h" // Assume input processor is a Buffer processor void subscribe_state_signal(MblMwDataProcessor* buffer_processor) { auto state_signal = mbl_mw_dataprocessor_get_state_data_signal(buffer_processor); mbl_mw_datasignal_subscribe(state_signal, data_printer); mbl_mw_dataprocessor_read_state(buffer_processor); } Removal ------- Removing a processor is handled by calling `mbl_mw_dataprocessor_remove `_. When a processor is removed, all processors that consume its output will also be removed. :: #include "metawear/core/datasignal_fwd.h" #include "metawear/processor/dataprocessor.h" #include "metawear/processor/math.h" void remove_processors(MblMwDataSignal* temp_signal) { static MblMwDataProcessor* first_processor= nullptr; static auto add_32_created = [](MblMwDataProcessor* processor) -> void { // Removes all 3 processors in the chain mbl_mw_dataprocessor_remove(first_processor); }; static auto div_10_created = [](MblMwDataProcessor* processor) -> void { mbl_mw_dataprocessor_math_create((MblMwDataSignal*) processor, MBL_MW_MATH_OP_ADD, 32.f, add_32_created); }; static auto mul_18_created = [](MblMwDataProcessor* processor) -> void { first_processor = processor; mbl_mw_dataprocessor_math_create((MblMwDataSignal*) processor, MBL_MW_MATH_OP_DIVIDE, 10.f, div_10_created); }; mbl_mw_dataprocessor_math_create(temp_signal, MBL_MW_MATH_OP_MULTIPLY, 18.f, mul_18_created); }