Project Setup ============= .. highlight:: bat The MetaWear C# SDK is distributed via NuGet and can be installed via the NuGet gallery or directly through the `Package Manager Console `_. :: PM> Install-Package MetaWear.CSharp .. highlight:: csharp Once the package has synced with Visual Studio, find the `BluetoothLEDevice `_ object corresponding to your MetaWear device and pass that to the ``GetMetaWearBoard`` method to retrieve an ``IMetaWearBoard`` object for the btle device. :: using MbientLab.MetaWear.Win10; public async IMetaWearBoard macAddrToIMetaWearBoard(ulong mac) { var device = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(mac); return Application.GetMetaWearBoard(device); }