.. highlight:: swift Barometer ========= Some MetaWear boards comes with a builtin barometer. It's configured via properties on the `MBLBarometer `_ class. To meet specific needs, different MetaWear models have different barometers, so the ``MBLBarometer`` class is actually a generic abstraction of all barometers. You can up-cast to one of our derived barometer objects in order to access advanced features. Pressure Reading ---------------- One thing common to all ambient light sensors is the ability to measure the ambient air pressure. :: device.barometer?.pressure.readAsync().success { result in print("pressure: \(result.value.doubleValue) pascals") } Altitude Reading ---------------- Often times what you really want is an estimation of current altitude above sea level. Since it's a complex non-linear function to get altitude from pressure, we have it built right in. :: device.barometer?.altitude.readAsync().success { result in print("altitude: \(result.value.doubleValue) meters") } Cast to Derived Class --------------------- To use advanced barometer features it's necessary to figure out exactly what barometer your MetaWear has. :: if let barometerBMP280 = device.barometer as? MBLBarometerBMP280 { }