.. highlight:: swift iBeacon ======= iBeacon is an indoor positioning system that uses a particular Bluetooth low-energy payload to make your device visible to the Apple CoreLocation framework. See the `Apple Documentation `_ for more information. Functionality is encapsulated in the `MBLiBeacon `_ class. Start iBeacon ------------- To start using iBeacon set up the different properties and call setBeaconOnAsync(true) :: // Easily create your own uuid by running 'uuidgen' in the terminal device.iBeacon?.setUuid(CBUUID(string: "A1589B8C-3E02-4112-AA3C-54850F5C970A")) device.iBeacon?.setMajor(10) device.iBeacon?.setMinor(20) device.iBeacon?.setCalibratedReceiverPower(-55) device.iBeacon?.setTransmitPower(.power0dBm) device.iBeacon?.setFrequency(100) device.iBeacon?.setBeaconOnAsync(true) // YOU MUST DISCONNECT BEFORE IT WILL BECOME A VISIBLE BEACON device.disconnectAsync().success { _ in print("It's Beacon Time!") }