Project Setup

Before you begin coding your app, you will need to add the MetaWear API to your project. If you are new to Xcode and not familiar with CocoaPods we have povided an app template that has taken care of all the steps outlined on this page.

Compile Dependency

To add the MetaWear SDK as a dependency to your project you should setup CocoaPods, and add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MetaWear"

Then run:

pod install

Finding Your Device

The last thing to do is retrieve an MBLMetaWear object corresponding to your board by scanning for it.

import MetaWear

MBLMetaWearManager.shared().startScanForMetaWears() { array in
    // Hooray! We found a MetaWear board, so stop scanning for more
    // Connect to the board we found
    if let device = array.first {
        device.connectAsync().success() { _ in
            // Hooray! We connected to a MetaWear board, so flash its LED!
            device.led?.flashColorAsync(, withIntensity: 0.5)
        }.failure() { error in
            // Sorry we couldn't connect