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  • What is your use case for partial downloads? You expose the total number of entries in the log download update, so the workaround could be to start download with high update frequency and then drop it as soon as I've got the total number of …
  • Thanks, Eric, for a clear answer. There was getLogCapacity() in 2.x API, has it been abandoned for good? Would it be possible to stop log download without disconnecting? Or request to download a defined number of entries?
  • Thanks, Eric, Happy New year, thank you for reliable support!It is not that I'm planning to reset the device during logging, I'm trying to plan for the case, when sensor simply runs out of batteries and user continues measurements after charging it …
  • Ok, it makes sense then. The boot macro is programmed on one device and data is downloaded on another. I've shared serialization data, but sounds like the reference timestamp is hidden there, that is why the log timestamps are jumping back to serial…
  • Thanks, again, Eric. Worked as expected. Comparator works, the only annoyance is that I can not cast it to Integer for printing in Log. Printing data directly gives me 4 bytes of data, but I can work with this.
  • Thanks, Eric, managed that.The comparator is working nicely on 2 bytes short read out from I2C sensor with little endian notation. My other sensor is big endian and here I need to swap the bytes (see code below) before comparator.In the swapped outp…
  • I've started migrating to API 3+. I'm struggling setting up data route on the I2C read output.In documentation it should be with i2c interface of SerialPassthrough. Do you have a code example how to do it? Analog of 2.8: i2cModule.routeData().fro…
  • Ok, I've reduced the amount of data read from I2C sensors to the minimum of 4 bytes, accelerometer data is 6 bytes packed in 2x4-bytes packets. I was able to add now the gyroscope data (another 2x4 bytes) and another I2C sensor (2x4 bytes) and it lo…
  • Thanks, Eric. The limit is the amount of data or number of loggers? Does it depend on HW or FW? Would I be able to get more on Metamotion R?
  • ok, makes sense. So I will have to readout complete 12 bytes for logging and also read out specific bytes to implement the logic. But I would be able to have Math processor on those 2 bytes of I2C data to left-right shift them, correct?
  • Thanks, Eric.I mean the specific bytes in the packet. I would need to take let's say bytes 4 and 5 out of 12 bytes packet and perform comparison.
  • pradeepvr  You need to add the filter before the stream or logging that you are using. It will pass the data further every 2 seconds. Check in the API docs how filters are working. in your case put it before .stream("gyroAxisSub") and .log("gyr…
  • Set ODR to minimum and add the Time processor before stream.bmi160GyroModule.routeData() .fromAxes() .process(new Time(Time.OutputMode.ABSOLUTE, 2000)) .stream("gyro_stream").commit()
  • UPDATE: As soon as I introduce a processor (Passthrough All or Time) - streaming starts.
  • ok, with routes it is first called - first initialized.Can I orchestrate I2C - write, read and respond with write according to read results without having incapsulated completion handlers?
  • It is a relatively large and elaborated module. I will try to extract the essence of MW communication. I will send it to hello @ mbientlab. In a meantime, I'm trying to make route initialization in sequence. Is it possible with AsyncOperation / on…
  • @EricHave implemented this method, works well for detection of reboot. I also set the class to the initial state by deserializing from stored state and then resetting all the routes (I have something like 9 routes). However, sometimes there is a fai…
  • For now, I've implemented the method, when I pulling up one pin and readout it status as digital input after reconnection, when drops down - means device has been rebooted. As for configuration, I have an external I2C sensors which I'm polling tog…
  • The problem is that the failure is also caused by a trivial connection loss. If I reconnect to the board I have no clue if the board has been reset or simply lost connection for some time.One solution might be to pull up the GPIO and check the statu…
  • Hi, how is it progressing? When can we expect the fix?
  • Is it also the case for Accumulator? If not I can replace Counter with Acc as a quick fix.
  • Samsung S5 with Android 5.0 I've actually solved it by introducing watchdog, which reboots module if no bluetooth transactions are performed for longer than N seconds or module disconnected. After this I can connect to fresh device. I think the i…
  • This typically happens when device has lost the connection due do distance or physical obstacles and I'm trying to manually connect to it again (even after app restart or switching to Metawear app). Since I have buzzer beep on fromDisconnect monitor…
  • Hi, all, I have a similar connection problem (nothing to do with Cordova), but I've observed it on the earlier versions of FW/API. At some stage, when I'm trying to connect to device after using device (never after MW clear boot) it goes into infi…
  • @EricI have set the acc sampling rate to 25Hz and had the handler like below and fromBattery like above. I was getting RED led blinks, but no BLUE ones. However, it looks like it might be more related to accelerometer handlers. In another applicat…
  • Thank you for the rapid response, @Eric, that worked. Also the fromBattery signal now works in Macro.  Still do not understand why I was not able to call readBatteryStatus periodically from monitor sitting on accelerometer signal.
  • As a workaround I have implemented periodic calling of readBatteryState from processor of BMI accelerometer signal monitor and it starts from Macro after boot, but still the readout of the battery is not happening Here is my data route (I have jus…
  • @EricThanks for clarification. I'm configuring the board in interactive mode in the beginning, like checking if parameters have been properly set up before hooking it up on the data route for the measurements. I guess I will have to redesign this p…
  • Thanks for an update. Have been working with TCS34725 via I2C. After update from 1.0.0 started to get the error on readData. The board is suppose to return single 0x44 identifier. java.lang.RuntimeException: Received I2C data less than 4 bytes: [0x0…
  • Hi, @matt Thanks for an update here. As you understand this is also related to the analog input discussion that we have in other thread. Please keep me updated.