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  • I'm not sure. I just issued the eraseMacros() command and both unkown log entries and every ~40ms entries like -0,38C 2017-01-28T12:30:08.320 stopped appearing in my log. The board is from a customer and he didn't tell us they put a macro on the boa…
  • Hi Eric. Finally the problem has been found. There was at least one macro executing on boot that was generating the extra log entries, and I wasn't told about it. Anyway, it results confusing that the entries from the macro appeared as genuine log …
  • In that setup I was creating and removing routes in each logging session: 4 sessions, 4 routes created/removed.
  • Log.i messages (I/Logger connected: SETUP COMPLETED marks the start of each logging attempt): I/Logger connected: SETUP COMPLETED I/TemperaturaLogger: Log started I/Logging started:: true I/TemperaturaLogger: Log Handler set1: true I/Temperatur…
  • Hi Eric. Thank you, the LOG_KEY mistake was the culprit of my problems with setLogMessageHandler. I have also remove the call to clearEntries from the download handler. Now I'm able to retrieve the logged temperature. However, I'm still facing the…
  •     public void downloadLog(final MetaWearBoard mwBoard){         final RouteManager route = mwBoard.getRouteManager(pref.getInt(TAG + "_log_id", 0));         Log.i(TAG, String.format("Routemanager restored ID: %d",route.id()));         route.setLog…
  •     private final RouteManager.MessageHandler loggingMessageHandler =  new RouteManager.MessageHandler() {         @Override         public void process(Message msg) {             Log.i(TAG, String.format("Temp: %.2fC",msg.getData(Float.class)));   …
  • Hi. Look at your ConnectionStateHandler, there must be a connect() call in the body of the disconnected() method.