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  • Hi Eric, if I don't configure the gyro (or motion detector), how can I use the gyro (or motion detector) to detect movement before logging the sensor fusion data? Can I detect motion from within a sensor fusion quarternion route, or do I need …
  • currently using gyro to determine if the board is moving. But i'll change it to the movement detector you suggested gyro = board.getModule(GyroBmi160.class); gyro.configure() .odr(GyroBmi160.OutputDataRate.ODR_25_HZ) .range(GyroB…
  • Thanks Eric, So I need to set up two routes. One to the accelerometer and one to sensor fusion? Then I set up the first route to set a passthrough value to 1 if motion is detected. Then, can I use this passthrough value in the second route to …
  • Thanks Eric, I'm saving the data to an array inside the log component, then writing the array to a file after the download has completed.  I wasn't sure if the "download" function actually downloaded the log to the device. But i guess it doesn…
  • Sorry, here it is.It's called by the stop button private void download() { final TextView infoText = (TextView)findViewById(; Log.i("freefall", "Downloading.."); logging.downloadAsync(100, new Logging.LogDownloadUpdateH…
  • Brilliant, thanks Eric, I've finally cracked it!  It took me a while to release that the passthrough editor effectively sets a variable which can then be used by the passthrough limiter in a separate branch. Thanks for staying with me! My app …
  • This is my first Java project as well as my first Metawear project so I'm still learning the syntax. This is why I've been asking for code snippets, and why the terminology and illustrations you're using aren't 100% clear to me. The code below is …
  • Thanks Eric, I'm still struggling! This is what I have. I'm not sure how to combine the passthrough modifier with the threshold filter? Can you suggest changes to the code below? Thanks!! return accelerometer.acceleration().addRouteAsy…
  • Hi Eric, Thanks for the response!  I think I'm following but would you mind representing what you said, in code? Perhaps with reference to my snippet above? I learn a lot better from code snippets . Thanks! -Tom