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  • Hello Patrice, It is a good idea. The distance between the iPhone (or any device really) and the tracker is less than a meter long. We put the sensor on the left wrist and we either hold it in the same hand or with the right hand. I believe th…
  • Hello Eric, We have started to test on a higher transmission power of 0. What was the default transmission power before? Also what does the 4 value mean in terms of transmitting data would that make it more stable? We have successfully caugh…
  • Hello Eric, I would understand if one or devices had bluetooth connections problems, but not most of the iOS devices that we have tested on. We actually had the case of another Iphone6 (not included in those tests) that had a hardware damaged and…
  • Hello Eric, To answer your questions. Yes, we have been having this issue with both Android and iOS. For iOS, we have been testing it with Iphone5, Iphone5c, Iphone6, Iphone6s, and IphoneX. So far the only device that did not stop receiving d…
  • Hello Eric, How can I check the calibration state more accurately than redoing the test that I have shared at the beginning of this topic? Thank you! Best regards, Marie
  • Hello Eric, My name is Marie Esclozas, I am the founder of the startup, B4Coach. To answer your questions, all the boards that we have been using for the different tests are with the 1.3.7 Firmware and the 0.3 Hardware. We do have two 0.2 Hard…
  • Hello Eric, Just to make sure that I understand correctly, I just need to connect the tracker to the MetaWear app, stream the data with sensor fusion in IMUPlus mode and linear acceleration, and do the movements in the video that will calibrate t…
  • Hello Eric, Thank you for your reply. To answer yours questions, we are doing all kind of movements done in a gym, such as functional training, free weights, and machines. This means that the NDoF mode get us more "troubled" data. This is t…