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  • Thanks for getting back to me and explaining a bit more about the board. After working with it for a few weeks I've been thinking about some better ways to interact with it. I'm really looking forward to the new COIN board on KS. I've already backed…
  • Hey Stephen. Not looking for additional functionality, just to help lower the barrier of entry to work with the board. I know for myself this one one of the first hardware projects I've done and Obj-C was really tough for me to get a handle on as Sw…
  • I'll be posting a Github link soon. I've basically been writing a Swift class that will allow you to interface with the MetaWear framework in Obj-C. 
  • Hi @Laura! Thanks for getting back to me.  I'm currently looking to add a button using GPIO. Do you have any recommendations about which might be good with the size of this board?   I like that you have a button on the board, but it's unaccess…
  • Thanks for getting back to me. I made the mistake of trying to run it on the simulator multiple times not thinking. I was doing this at around 3:00am and the previous night and it hit me about a day later that it can only be run on the phone. Anyway…