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  • Well that was easier than I thought... val settingsModule = metaWearBoard.getModule(classOf[Settings]) settingsModule   .handleEvent()   .fromDisconnect()   .monitor(new ActivityHandler {     override def onSignalActive(map: util.Map[String, DataPr…
  • Thanks for looking into this, Eric.  The data returned is always [13, 1, 70] from both boards when the RPro is unable to communicate to the BNO.  The last two bytes appear to match my fromId call. I am using Scala as my development language.  It wa…
  • I believe that you misread the question. Exceptions are thrown but no callback that is under my control has any knowledge of the exception.  In my example I am attempting to communicate to a non-existent I2C device.  The SDK rightfully throws an ex…
  • Thank you, Matt!! The logs are full of Euler data!  I assumed that the default mode was 0x00 from this comment on line 71 of the begin() method: /* Switch to config mode (just in case since this is the default) */…
  • Hi Matt, Here is my initialisation code with the Arduino code as comments: //    BNO055_OPR_MODE_ADDR = 0X3D    //    OPERATION_MODE_CONFIG = 0X00 //    void Adafruit_BNO055::setMode(adafruit_bno055_opmode_t mode) //    { //      _mode = mode; //…
  • Matt, Thank you for your reply and verifying communications with an oscilloscope. As part of the Arduino translation to i2cModule, I implemented the delays using Thread.sleep(ms).  All delays in the Arduino code are in ms.  However there are some …
  • Eric, Thank you for your reply.  I have the BNO055 board wired to the i2c interface: BNO055 <-> RPro VIN <-> 11 GND <-> 4 SDA <-> 5 SCL <-> 6 I am connecting to address 0x28 (40) which is the same address when connec…
  • As a follow up on my previous post, I have translated the bno.begin() method from the Arduino library to the i2cModule.  I can continue to read the first seven address locations without a problem. Is there an address restriction enforced on the Met…