Decode start accelerometer
by JeanPoll ·char.write(b'\x13\x03\x26\x00') #13032600 -
How do I Perform mathematical operations on gyroscope data sequentially
by justinatienza ·[to address #1 above] -
Downgrade firmware version
by aribes ·Raspbian kernel is Linux 4.9.59-v7+ #1047 (from uname -a) -
Logging & Filtering
by mrsaliwood ·p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Menlo; color: #18b5b1} -
MetawearRG reconnection/connection TimeOut Issue
by shadman7156 ·I noticed that the above problem only occur when #1 method is used. If I close the (#2 method) and restart then its work perfectly fine, -
[Follow-up on issue #13] Cannot connect with mac address on Android
by Cyril ·Following on https://github.com/mbientlab/MetaWear-SDK-Android/issues/13 : -
Segmentation fault at mbl_mw_metawearboard_tear_down
by Marc ·#1 0x00007ffff7971f37 in mbl_mw_metawearboard_tear_down () from ../metawear/libmetawear_d.so.0 -
Accelerometer not reporting gravity accurately
by Eric ·Did a few tests, sample #1 and #2, and nothing looks out of the ordinary compared with your data and what I would expect. The IMU itself is not 100% accurate so you should consider "at rest" -
Android write speed is abysmally slow when working with CPro. (Android!!!)
by MichaelG ·as it is part of the settings module (#17 in the sequence) the change can't be made until after initialization which, as described above is slow to begin with. It's a bit of a chicken and the egg pro -
Getting this RuntimeException onConnectionStateChanged reported non-zero status: 8
by Eric ·According to the Bluedroid header files, 0x8 means connection timeout:https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/bluetooth/bluedroid/+/master/stack/include/gatt_api.h#108 -
Request: synchronized streaming from multiple devices
by Eric ·How many devices are you attempting to simultaneously stream and at what data rates? Bluetooth le can't reliably handle data at frequencies higher than 100Hz. If you are flooding the radio with dat -
Board Connection Timeout
by Eric ·The only thing I can think of is a Bluetooth error Samsung phones were having due to Samsung's Android OS variant: -
Connect Metaware C Pro to NRF51-DK dev board to reprogram bootloader and flash
by jhurley ·I -
Neopixels in ANCS notification handler issue
by brigid ·#1 0x0017ebc6 in __34-[MBLRegister recievedData]_block_invoke at /Users/sschiffli/Code/metawear-ios-api/MetaWear/MBLRegister.m:268 -
Can you load an application with persistent storage onto a MetaWear R?
by Terry ·of some type such as "Terry's MetaWear #1234", and my app would connect, ask for the calculated value, then disconnect.