Serial Passthrough

A great way to extend the hardware features of MetaWear is to attach additional devices via a serial bus (I2C or SPI).


To read or write to the registers on the device, first use the MBLSerial module to create an MBLI2CData or MBLSPIData object, then invoke its read/write methods.

let bmi160 = device.serial?.data(withSlaveSelectPin: 10,
                                 clockPin: 0,
                                 mosiPin: 11,
                                 misoPin: 7,
                                 lsbFirst: false,
                                 spiMode: 3,
                                 spiFrequency: 6,
                                 nativePinIndexing: true,
                                 length: 5)
let byte: UInt8 = 0xDA
bmi160?.read(withParamtersAsync: Data(bytes: [byte])).success { result in
let aReg = device.serial?.data(atDeviceAddress: 0x1C, registerAddress: 0x0D, length: 1)

Periodic Reads

Since MBLI2CData and MBLSPIData derive from MBLData they inherit its periodic read methods:

let reg = device.serial?.data(atDeviceAddress: 0x1C, registerAddress: 0x12, length: 1)
let periodicRead = reg?.periodicRead(withPeriod: 1000)
periodicRead?.startNotificationsAsync(handler: { (obj, error) in
    print("I am reading every second: " + String(describing: obj))