The MetaWear board can log sensor data and store it in the internal memory of the device using loggers
to be retrieved at a later time.
Loggers record data from a data signal and are represented by the MblMwDataLogger struct.
Create an
object by calling
mbl_mw_datasignal_log with the data signal
you want to log.
If successful, the callback function will be executed with a
MblMwDataLogger pointer and if creating the
logger failed, a null
pointer will be returned.
var accSignal = MetaWear.mbl_mw_acc_get_acceleration_data_signal(device.board);
MetaWear.mbl_mw_datasignal_log(accSignal, ref.NULL, MetaWear.FnVoid_VoidP_DataLoggerP.toPointer(function (context, logger) {
accelLogger = logger;
callback(logger.address() ? null : new Error('failed to start logging accel'));
MblMwDataLogger objects only interact with the specific data signal, they do not control the logging features. Logging control functions are detailed in the Logging section.
MblMwDataLogger objects are identified by a numerical id.
This id can be used to keep track of loggers when there is considerable time between the start of a log and the download of a log. It is also useful to get the state of the device (i.e is my device still downloading?).
You can retrieve the id by calling mbl_mw_logger_get_id.
The id is used to retrieve existing loggers from the API with the mbl_mw_logger_lookup_id function.
Handling Data¶
Like a data signal, you can subscribe to an MblMwDataLogger to process the downloaded data.
Call mbl_mw_logger_subscribe to attach a callback function to the MblMwDataLogger which handles all received data.
// Subscribe to the accelerometer data
MetaWear.mbl_mw_logger_subscribe(accelLogger, ref.NULL, MetaWear.FnVoid_VoidP_DataP.toPointer(function onSignal(context, dataPtr) {
var data = dataPtr.deref();
var pt = data.parseValue();
console.log(data.epoch + ' ' + pt.x + ',' + pt.y + ',' + pt.z);
When you no longer want to log the values from a data signal, call mbl_mw_logger_remove to remove the logger.