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  • It's really sad that A Studio doesn't have basic stuff like a wizard to customize your app icon - when Eclipse already has it. That being said, I think development based on MetaWear would move faster if we support the latest dev environment, so ha…
  • I did this and now I get the .jar Import the project into Eclipse Check that the JDK compiler compliance level is 1.7 ( This can be view and/or changed in the project properties menu, under the "Java Compiler" section) Select Project -> Build…
  • I'm going to try using a JAR to build the app in Android studio. I have a question about where I might find the metawearapi.jar. When I download from github and extract, I have a folder called Metawear-AndroidAPI-master. The doc https://www.mbient…
  • Thanks Eric,          Could I get more detail? Where in the Android Studio setup would I put the path. If I download the Metawear-AndroidAPI from github, how exactly should I proceed if I'm using A Studio rather than Eclipse? Thanks
  • Hi Laura,           Thanks for replying. Using the API : does that mean writing an Android app? I searched on the Play Store for metawear and mbientlab but didn't get anything. Is there a hello-world tutorial on this? Thanks!