by Mark_L ·Yup, for example, when 3:00 startTimer and after 30 seconds I stopTimer, the difference is 30s, and what i want to know is how to get this 30 seconds using metawear board. thanks Eric -
Python API?
by Laura ·siddrajput,If you take a look at the low level Java code for the vibration motor API call, you can reverse engineer the Bluetooth packet (down to the byte) you need to send to the MetaWear board. -
a noob want to use kitkat to build a project. (helping..!!!)
by Mark_L ·Hi Eric: -
Logging Acceleration Offline (n00b question)
by Eric ·1. What data can I retrieve in processData() from LogEntry for Activity ? -
Acceleration log time delay
by Matt ·Lets first roughly estimate the time resolution you need to distinguish 1cm differences at 3m. The equations above work well for an estimate. -
Android I2C crash
by lethala ·"Are you by chance periodically scheduling readRssi (or readBatteryLevel) function calls?" -
Logging Acceleration Offline (n00b question)
by JpEncausse ·> you can use BytesInterpreter.byteToOrientation to convert the byte values to an orientation enum -
How to persist filtered event on disconnect
by stephen ·Unfortunately we haven't played much with Swift, so I can't comment on the differences you are seeing with regards to compiler errors. However, what you have looks correct. -
Multiple Metawears and method callbacks
by pier ·In the project I'm currently working on I need multiple metawears connected to one iOS device, I'm using the latest Xcode 6.2 and iOS 8.2. Multiple metawears connect without problems but when I subsc… -
Battery expanded
by Laura ·jmacgill,Battery failures are about 1 in a million and there is no way to avoid them. Because it is a chemical system it is bound to fail occasionally; especially when rough-handled or exposed to ext… -
On-Board Application
by Laura ·asobol22,You program the MetaWear board with an App. You can send the board permanent or temporary commands. This means you do not need to write a single line of firmware code and you probably don't … -
Beacon feature
by Laura ·bdemers,I don't think you are doing anything wrong at all. It could be that you need to sniff the Beacon in the reverse byte order of the UUID you used. -
metawear dead?
by Laura ·gerardsgs,Are the LEDs the only thing not working? Can you still connect and use the accelerometer for example? Please let us know when you troubleshoot with the MetaWear App. -
Battery expanded
by Laura ·jmacgill,That is a battery failure, please dispose of it appropriately; this is extremely dangerous! A battery that is "fat and squishy" has permanently failed and can catch fire at any tim… -
New functions in Android api 1.4 examples
by Laura ·kandalf12,You should check out the Github Wiki for the Android API, it will have example code snippets. -
Metawear acting as an iBeacon
by Laura ·gerardsgs,Also try searching for the beacon UUID in reverse byte order. -
Polling GPIO in background on Android
by igor_filippov ·I'm sorry, but I just don't see it working. The rule of thumb is that you should unregister all broadcast receivers(and I don't see how LocalBroadcastManager is different in this regard) when Activit… -
iOS API Update [12/16/2014] v1.4.1
by Laura ·Major new features and bug fixes! -
Android Update 2014-11-29 [API v1.2]
by Eric ·Hi All, -
iOS API Update [11/23/2014] v1.2.2
by Laura ·A new iOS API is available!