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  • Hi @Eric, many thx. the above code works - also on my CPRO.  I think my problem could be this: with multiple streams, you cannot start the addModule in the success method like you did above. You need to do this outside of that method and once all …
  • Hi @Eric, thx a lot, great feedback. I'll have to look into on-board logging.  Of cource one prerequisiste to make my demo fly is to get simultaneous loggign or live streaming of the button/motion/step counting data. Please keep me updated. Th…
  • I've changed the code now and disabled all other BMI160 functions. I am just trying to get the step count every 10 seconds. Code is below, does anyone see an issue here? I seem to be calling the readStepCounter method every 10 seconds, I get a callb…
  • HI @Eric, many thx for the comments. I've reduced the code to just do step counting now. I wrapped the readStepCounter  method call in a task, that is currently requesting the step count every 5 seconds. But currently no results, 0 steps.  I am enab…
  • Many thx, @Eric, it works! Code below for all others that want to use the Switch class. try { Switch switchModule = mwBoard.getModule(Switch.class); switchModule.routeData().fromSensor().stream("switch_stream").commit() .o…
  • thx @Eric, that's great to know!
  • OK, here we go. I am doing this after the "double Tap" log mesage Log.i("MainActivity", Arrays.toString(msg.getData())); I get the byte 4 and 37 sometimes. It looks like the that line: bmi160AccModule.enableTapDetection(Bmi160Accelerometer.T…
  • Argh, sorry, here is somethign I still don't get. I am requesting the step counter data with each step that I take, e.g. within the step_detector callback. Somehow, that step_counter data is always 0: 04-11 11:20:13.204 31166-31236/com.hybris.…
  • Many thx, I am getting some log output now. I think I now just need to call it at a later time, I currently always get 0 steps. Is the step counter somehow reset with each "connection" to the board? 
  • Hi @Eric, sorry for the stupid response, but you have to tell me how I can show you these bytes :-) I have the  Bmi160Accelerometer.TapResponse response= msg.getData(Bmi160Accelerometer.TapResponse.class); response object - is there a getBytes…
  • I currently use this now, but I get a ton of "motion" events. I would expect an event once no motion happened for the 10 seconds specified... Any ideas? bmi160AccModule.start(); bmi160AccModule.enableStepDetection(); bmi160AccModule.enableTapDetec…
  • OK, looked at the sample app and it uses the switch module a few times. None of that seems to work for me though. Right now I do this; button.routeData().fromSensor() .process("accumprocesser", "accumulator") .process("math?operati…
  • OK, so probably something like this: but where is the "Switch" documented, e.g. "button" is just an idea, where do I find a list of topics that are allowed for the Switch? button.routeData().fromSensor().stream("button").commit().onComplete(new Asy…
  • OK, so it seems some docs are out of data and the sequence seems very important.  I run this code now, but it still does not work.... Any ideas? final Bmi160Accelerometer bmi160AccModule= mwBoard.getModule(Bmi160Accelerometer.class); bmi160Acc…
  • sorry, not enablebutton (that was with regards to another problem), but detectSteps() is the method that I finally call (see above)
  • Just adding some info with the order of method calls from the API onCreate() -> bind to metawear service onServiceConnected() -> get meta wear board with a bluetooth device once connected, call to enableButton() - that is the code that I p…