
This specific barometer is configured via properties on the MBLBarometerBMP280 class. This section shows how to use its advanced features.

Periodic Readings

This barometer has a built in timer, so you can program it to directly perform periodic reads.

// Use the oversampling mode to balance power vs performance
barometerBMP280.pressureOversampling = .ultraHighResolution;
// Use the builtin average filter to eliminate short term noise
barometerBMP280.hardwareAverageFilter = .average16;
// This determines how long the device will sleep between samples,
// so it's not directly the period, since the sample itself can
// take several ms to complete.
barometerBMP280.standbyTime = .standby0_5;

// Or you can use periodicPressure below
barometerBMP280.periodicAltitude.startNotificationsAsync(handler: { (obj, error) in
    if let obj = obj {
        print("altitude: \(obj.value.doubleValue) meters")