
Some MetaWear boards comes with a builtin gyroscope. It’s configured via properties on the MBLGyro class.

To meet specific needs, different MetaWear models have different gyroscope sensors, so the MBLGyro class is actually a generic abstraction of all gyroscopes. You can up-cast to one of our derived gyroscope objects in order to access advanced features.

Raw Data

One thing common to all gyroscopes is the ability to access raw x, y, and z axis rotational data

device.gyro?.sampleFrequency = 100.0
device.gyro?.dataReadyEvent.startNotificationsAsync(handler: { (obj, error) in
    if let obj = obj {
        print("X = \(obj.x), Y = \(obj.y), Z = \(obj.z)")

Single Axis Data

You can also access a single axis of gyroscope data.

device.gyro?.xAxisReadyEvent.startNotificationsAsync(handler: { (obj, error) in
    if let obj = obj {
        print("x-axis: \(obj.value.doubleValue)")

Cast to Derived Class

To use advanced gyroscope features it’s necessary to figure out exactly what gyroscope your MetaWear has.

if let gyroBMI160 = device.gyro as? MBLGyroBMI160 {