
Electronic humidity sensors (hydrometer) measure humidity by measuring the capacitance or resistance of air samples. This sensor comes packaged with the BME280 integrated environmental unit, only available on MetaEnvironment boards, and is accessible through the MBLHygrometerBME280 interface.

To meet specific needs, different MetaWear models may have different hydrometers, so the MBLHygrometer class is actually a generic abstraction of all hydrometers. You can up-cast to one of our derived hydrometer objects in order to access advanced features.

Cast to Derived Class

There is currently nothing in the generic MBLHygrometer class, so you need to use the MBLHygrometerBME280 derived class.

if let hygrometerBME280 = device.hygrometer as? MBLHygrometerBME280 {