Change eular angle sampling rate using Python API

I beleive changing accelerometer sampling rate can be done as follows:

libmetawear.mbl_mw_acc_set_odr(self.device.board, 10.0) (Changing to 10hz)

I was wondering if there was a similar simple way to change the eular angle sampling rate. For example how would I change eular angle sampling rate to 50hz.

I was also wondering:
Is it practical to stream eular angle, acclerometer and gyroscope data at the same time?

We are trying to collect data using 6 sensors simultaneously. Will this return reliable data?


  • Unfortunately the BOSCH sensor fusion library only outputs at 100Hz. You would need to use our data processor to change the sampling rate.

    Is it practical to stream eular angle, acclerometer and gyroscope data at the same time? No and we don't support it anyways.

    We are trying to collect data using 6 sensors simultaneously. Will this return reliable data? It depends on your setup.

  • Hi Laura. Thank you for the quick reply.

    Is it practical to stream Eular angle simulatenously with any one other data type e.g. Eular Angle + Gyrometer or Eular Angle + Accelerometer?

  • You shouldn't need to do sensor fusion + raw data. Some people have done it but then the gyro or acc raw data can only be 10Hz- 25Hz and it's not particularly helpful tbh.

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