Sensor stops data transmission after some time

A MMR sensor I was recently using stopped transmitting data to my device after a short period of time despite being connected. I was using the MMR to detect small, subtle movements in an object meaning that several of the MMRs remained still for a period of time. Could this inactivity lead to the MMR freezing or entering sleep/idle mode and cause it to stop transmitting data? Are there any other reasons for the MMR sensor to stop transmitting data even while connected?


  • the MMR won't stop transmitting data unless:

    • The App crashes
    • There is a power failure (battery short/dead battery)
    • The Bluetooth link gets severed (this is most likely)
  • @Laura said:
    the MMR won't stop transmitting data unless:

    • The App crashes
    • There is a power failure (battery short/dead battery)
    • The Bluetooth link gets severed (this is most likely)

    You mentioned the Bluetooth link being severed being the most likely cause for the MMR to stop transmitting data? Since Bluetooth communication relies on fixed time intervals, how often does the app need to signal the MMR for both devices' Bluetooth clocks to be in sync? Are there any other reasons you have come across for the Bluetooth to disconnect while the MMR remains frozen (while the device stops transmitting data, it remains frozen and the connection light remains on).

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