Get error Invalid input class: 'float' when trying to read temperature - code is in kotlin
I'm trying to read the temperature data from my MetaMotionR, but i get and error that says:
2020-10-08 12:18:37.290 31070-1610/com.example.afgangsprojektet W/BluetoothGatt: Unhandled exception in callback
java.lang.ClassCastException: Invalid input class: 'float'
at com.mbientlab.metawear.impl.DataPrivate.value(
at com.mbientlab.metawear.impl.SFloatData$1.value(
I have tried reading acceleration data, and that works fine, can anyone help?
This is the part of my code where i try to read temperature:
override fun onServiceConnected(componentName: ComponentName?, iBinder: IBinder) {
serviceBinder = iBinder as LocalBinder
Log.d(SENSOR_LOG, "Sensor connected")
private fun retrieveBoard(macAddress: String) {
val btManager =
getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE) as BluetoothManager
val remoteDevice: BluetoothDevice = btManager.adapter.getRemoteDevice(macAddress)
// Create a MetaWear board object for the Bluetooth Device
board = serviceBinder.getMetaWearBoard(remoteDevice)
board.connectAsync().onSuccessTask {
Log.d(SENSOR_LOG, "Sensor connection succeeded, connected to: $macAddress")
}.continueWith { task ->
if (task.isFaulted) {
Log.d(SENSOR_LOG, "Sensor connection is faulted error: ${task.error} ")
} else {
Log.d(SENSOR_LOG, "Sensor is configured")
private fun setUpTemperatureSensor(): Task<Route>{
temperature = board.getModule(
temperatureSensor =
return temperatureSensor.addRouteAsync { source -> { data, _ ->
Log.d(SENSOR_LOG, "temperature data ${data.value(}")
Have you been able to get this working?
I ran into this issue as well. It seems that for whatever reason the type is cast into a primitive float type (so not Float with a capital F) on the Java side in the mbientlab API. I've tried quite a few things but have not been able to solve this. Any progress on your side?
I should have waited just a little before sending the question above. I now have the answer:
return temperatureSensor.addRouteAsync { source -> { data, _ -> Log.d(SENSOR_LOG, "temperature data ${data.value(Float::class.javaObjectType)}") } }
Nice!, thanks for the update @renev