ISO Swift Starter CocoaPods

I've been building an app on the original swiftstarter example. I am getting a lot of warnings/ errors when building for the app store about missing files and unresolvable external types within the CocoaPods framework. I see there are updates for the Swiftstarter app and the SDK. I'm wondering what the best approach is to update my app with the Cocoapods and Swiftstarter updates.

Thank you!


  • Oops sorry - meant IOS in the title
  • I've let our iOS dev know about providing some swift pointers.  The team is still scattered around on winter vacation so responses will be slow in the meantime.
  • Hi Stu,

    Swift and Xcode are being updated fairly frequently. It's possible that our latest release for Swiftstarter is a bit outdated, which can cause compile errors. We'll look into it soon.

  • SDK 2.0.0 had an issue when performing an Archive build, it has been fixed with release 2.0.1 available now.

  • Is it ok just to copy/overwrite the files for the cocoapods to update them?
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