SensorFusion Logging
Hi folks,
I am trying to log the quaternion and linear acceleration data from the sensor fusion. But I have some problem with downloading the sensor data from the board. I am using a MetaMotion R board and have modified the metawear sample Android app 3.5.0. The problem is that the process method in the MessageHandler is never called and I receive only a lot of unknown entries in receivedUnknownLogEntry. Here are the relevant codes:
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
protected void setup() {
if (srcIndex == 0) {
.onComplete(new AsyncOperation.CompletionHandler<RouteManager>() {
public void success(RouteManager result) {
streamRouteManager= result;
result.setLogMessageHandler("Q", new RouteManager.MessageHandler() {
public void process(Message message) {
final Quaternion quaternion = message.getData(Quaternion.class);
LineData data = chart.getData();
data.addXValue(String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", sampleCount * SAMPLING_PERIOD));
data.addEntry(new Entry(quaternion.w(), sampleCount), 0);
data.addEntry(new Entry(quaternion.x(), sampleCount), 1);
data.addEntry(new Entry(quaternion.y(), sampleCount), 2);
data.addEntry(new Entry(quaternion.z(), sampleCount), 3);
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function in the CompletionHandler object and log the error message if any is received. The code you have looks fine to me so the error could be from somewhere else.