Location Tracking

We are working with another company to prototype tracking and sensor input indoors.  We want to place one of the Metawear devices on the item to be tracked and have the location and accelerometer sensor data available in the cloud in near real-time.   I have looked over the API, forum, and tutorials an it is unclear how to accomplish this.


  • edited April 2017
    • What platform are you developing on?
    • What type of board are you using?
  • Platform : Windows 10 desktop or Android
    Board: MetaTracker

  • The tutorials / API help you access sensor data on your host device; what you do with the data afterwards is up to you.  In your case, you need to determine what cloud service you want to use and use their APIs to push data to their cloud services.  

    If you build on the Win10 platform, you can try using MS' own cloud service, Azure.  Other cloud services like AWS should have APIs for Android and Win10.
  • edited April 2017
    The docs include calls to read the accelerometer data, but I could not see how to pull location coordinates from the devices?
  • You can use the sensors to calculate relative change in location, for example, using the barometer to calculate altitude displacement, but there are no sensors that report absolute location (e.g. gps).
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