I2C interface voltage level
I recently acquired a
metaMotionR. I would like to hook other I2C devices to the MetaMotionR board.
Those devices are already powered by their own 3.3V supply, and their I2C bus
is on that 3.3V supply. It seems the MetaMotionR IOs are on 3.0V.
Thank you.
metaMotionR. I would like to hook other I2C devices to the MetaMotionR board.
Those devices are already powered by their own 3.3V supply, and their I2C bus
is on that 3.3V supply. It seems the MetaMotionR IOs are on 3.0V.
1. Are the I2C
SCL/SDA pins pulled up to 3.0V already or are they open?
SCL/SDA pins pulled up to 3.0V already or are they open?
2. Can the MetaMotionR I2C interface support 3.3V signaling without damage?
3. Or, is a bi-directional level shifter required to interface the MetaMtionR to a 3.3V bus?
Thank you.
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