Button cell life with Metwear C

can i use button cell CR2032 with Metawear C sensor?
If yes, how much is the battery life expected?


  • MetaWear C is powered by a CR2032 battery.  

    On average, the it'll last 1.5 weeks on a single battery charge.  Depending on your use case, the battery can last between 2 hours and 6 months.
  • edited June 2017

    Li-ion can we attach to metawear C?  
    I experienced that Li-ion baterry doesnot last more than 6 months.
  • No, there is no protection circuitry on the C for a LiPo battery.
  • @Eric

    As you have written above, can you give an example in which case the battery can last for only 2 hours.

  • Run all of the high powered features simultaneously i.e. acc, gyro, led.
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