Streaming Issues
We have around 15 MetawearR sensors. We are using node.js + bleno to program them as this was the most reliable option to achieve the application that we want.
We are continuously streaming data from the accelerometer at 50Hz, but sometimes the streaming just stops. Even if we use the metawear app, we still can't stream acceleration, even though we can connect to the sensor. We found one solution to this problem - do a soft reset, either in the app or through our nodejs code.
However, sometimes the soft reset leads to unresponsive board. A hard reset (shortening the pins) brings it back to working state, but we can't afford to do this.
We discovered when the issues with the streaming happen: All the times when the streaming stops is when the sensor is on the boundary of the range of the receiver. The frequency of these events is around 1 every 2 hours.
Please let us know if you have any ideas or if you want more information!
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