MetaMotionR+: Calibration, Bias, Data Accuracy Etc.
I have some questions regarding the data gathered from a few experimental tests. I'm using pictures and breaking this into 2 posts to account for the character limit...
Test 1. The sensor is resting on a horizontal plane. We leveled a desk with a bubble level. The sensor was aligned against a ruler and left on the desk for ~ 20 sec. Sampling frequency = 100 Hz.
Acceleration statistics:

We used the conversion factor 9.8 m/s^2.
Question: Do the nonzero X and Y components correspond to the sensor bias or to the admixture of the gravity or both?
Question: How do you recommend eliminating the bias?
Question: How can you recommend separating the gravity and the user/linear acceleration?
Gyroscope / Angular rotation rates statistics:

The rotation rates for a resting sensor should fluctuate around zero. The mean values are much larger than STDs, which implies some bias. This can lead to a drift in angles.
Question: How do you recommend eliminating the bias?
Orientation (quaternions and the Euler angles). - The quaternions and the Euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw) are very stable for this test: the values (roll, pitch, yaw) = [ -0.241, -0.832, 138.721] remain practically unchanged during the testing session.
Question: How is the initial orientation obtained/calculated?
Question: How do you compensate for the gyroscope bias (see above)?
This discussion has been closed.
Test 2. 3D rotations. Setup: We leveled a desk with a bubble level. The sensor was aligned against a ruler. Recording started. The sensor was lifted and randomly rotated for ~ 20 sec. Then it was returned to the initial position and orientation. Sampling frequency = 100 Hz.