Pin code on MetaWear-sensor

Hi everyone

Is it possible to add a pin code (like other Bluetooth devices do) to the MetaWear-sensor? I want to achieve that once connected to a MetaWear-device I have to insert a pin. On the next connection attempt the pin should be provided.

Thanks in advance!


  • @StefaanAvonds

    This is not directly supported in the present firmware release (1.3.4).

    What kind of behavior would you expect if the pin cannot be provided?
  • @Matt

    My thought was: if no pin code was ever given to the MetaWear-sensor (default behaviour) a connection can easily be established; once a pin code is provided (by code) a connection can only be established when the correct pin is given.
    If no pin was given but we do pass a pin code, maybe just connect regardless of the given pin.

    Perhaps an overload on method "GetMetaWearBoard" to pass a possible pin...?
  • @Matt

    Is it something that may be added in one of the upcoming firmware releases?
  • @StefaanAvonds

    We have discussed possibly adding an encryption interface in the future that may behave similarly, but it is not under development or on our present roadmap.

    Something we can possibly do in the near term is add a "Connected" event to the firmware side.  That could be used to, for example, start a timer setup to disconnect the client if not stopped manually.  This would have a similar outcome to booting clients which do not know the secret.
  • Thanks! Keep me updated on any changes.
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