How to connect to the metamotionR
Hi ! I used Ubuntu16.04 in vmware and installed python2.7 and my computer supports bluetooth 4.0LE
I use command:
hcitool scan
but i cannot find my metawear device.
please tell me how to connect metawear in ubuntu16.04 in vmware environment.
Use the Python or JavaScript SDKs.
I have MetaMotionR+ development kit.
I would like to modify firmware for some custom application. Is there a place where I can find people who offer this type of service?
This is your final warning. Do not hijack existing threads for unrelated posts.
Actually I used a virtual machine for the tutorial I wrote, please follow it: <- go to Ubuntu Linux section
We aren't responsible for VMWARE related issues on this forum so please send future questions to the VMWARE forum: Future unrelated threads will be deleted.
I had a similar issue with VIRTUALBOX and here is how I resolved it:
1. Disable Bluetooth Adapter on Windows
2. Launch Guest windows
3. Enable Bluetooth Adapter on Windows
4. Enable Bluetooth Adapter on Windows in the usb device list (Guest) Devices->usb->check my device
Again you should really be Googling or posting this on the VMWARE forums for which there are many answers:
Please post all future questions in separate threads or your account will suspended.
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