I want to clear sensor data log and want to restart graph. I checked tutorials but I did not get any solution. Can you please help me with this?
Thank you
In demo project I saw that APLGraphView is used. Once streaming is clicked graph shows streaming lines. I want to clear those streaming lines. How to clear that?
@vinayar said:
In demo project I saw that APLGraphView is used. Once streaming is clicked graph shows streaming lines. I want to clear those streaming lines. How to clear that?
please check the below image. I want clear that lines in graph
The log clears itself once you download it.
We don't support any graphing utilities, only getting data from the board. What you do with the data is up to you.
In demo project I saw that APLGraphView is used. Once streaming is clicked graph shows streaming lines. I want to clear those streaming lines. How to clear that?
before download also I want to clear the log..
please check the below image. I want clear that lines in graph

Read the
documentation.We do not actively support or maintain that project. You are responsible for any customizations.
Read the source code: https://github.com/mbientlab/MetaWear-SampleApp-iOS/blob/master/Accelerometer/APLGraphView.h