About Button Press
I have a MetaMotion R and my company want me to log the Euler angles once every time the button is pressed. Generally I use Matlab, but I need to use Python. Now, I can get angle from the sensor. However, I cannot get button information. I know It is difficult for me, but I have to do it. Is there any code or document to suggest about this problem?I'd appreciate it if you could share it.
with all respect,
You should first learn Python and get comfortable with it: https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-python
Then you should go through our Python tutorials and really understand our APIs: https://mbientlab.com/tutorials/WPython.html#
Finally, you should write your own Python script to setup rules to log Euler Angles when there is a button press event.
Look through the Python tutorials, particularly the section about event handling.