Why don't the MAC-Adresses share a common prefix?
I just received two MMR and was suprised that their MAC-addresses don't share a prefix. I thought that the first half of the address is vendor-specific, but the adresses look completely different. Is there a reason for not using similar MACs? (It would be much easier to find the devices in that case) (or is this exactly reason and meant for white-label customers?)
Why would they share a prefix?
As I said, the first three octets can be used to identify the vendor of a device: A company can buy an identifier e.g. from IEEE: https://standards.ieee.org/products-services/regauth/oui/index.html
Devices from HP for example, start with 00-50-8B https://macvendors.com/ (00-50-8B-xx-xx-xx), Cisco has 00-60-2F and so on.
Giving companies their own address-space makes it much easier to create globally unique addresses.
We don't own any of that. We buy our hardware from Nordic; go talk to them.