Unable to update new firware on MetMotionR
Hi Team,
I received the sensors yesterday and I connected ny Metabase android app to extract the data. But it indicated me to update the firmware and I tried it but It gave an error saying "No Value for Bootloader".
Kindly guide me
This is a known problem: https://mbientlab.com/community/discussion/3216/firmware-update-1-4-5-error#latest
You need to use the latest iOS MetaBase App on iOS 13 to update to 1.4.5
So you simply dropped Android support? And did not update the app but let every customer of you who uses android run into the same problem? And people without a current iPhone are just out of luck?
Look everything is open source. If you don't like it; just make your own! This is a developer tool after all.
You are not advertising a developer tool. You advertise specific features (e.g. timestamp synchronization) that are missing in the product.
Could you please return my money and I will send you back the devices (or destroy them)?