Golang API or Communication Protocol Documentation

I am interested in using the MetaMotionR with a software project written in Golang. Would it be possible for mbientlab to provide a native Golang SDK or clear documentation of the protocols and data structures used to communicate with the MetaMotion so I can write my own?


  • We have no plans to provide a golang sdk at this time.
    If you have the skillset, you could write a golang wrapper around our cpp apis.

  • @Laura said:
    If you have the skillset, you could write a golang wrapper around our cpp apis.

    I could, but I'd rather write a native library, or at least have the ability to incrementally convert said wrapper into a full native library. The cpp code is hard to follow in some places. Would it be possible for you to provide clear documentation of the communication protocol?

  • Hey @abferm, our internal protocol is a bit intricate so we have not planned to document it further than the cpp and c# libraries.

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