Sampling frequency MetaMotionR
In my lab we are interested in the MetaMotionR.
We have the following questions though:
- can the sensor reach a sampling frequency of 200 Hz (raw gyro + raw acc)? In streaming-mode or logging-mode?
- we need the data form multiple MetaMotionRs to be in sync. Is data tagged with timestamp with a common clock source?
- is the C/C++ API for receiver station available for Raspberry Pi (3B+)?
Thanks for any help!
Yes, in logging mode. Only 100Hz in streaming mode.
All data is timestamped. There is a section about synching the data in our tutorials.
Yes, but I recommend using our Python or Javascript APIs for the Pi. We also give away the hub image for free at the moment (with all the APIs pre-loaded as a PI image (to be put on a SD card))
Hi Laura, thanks for the above answers.
Ok. Can the receiving station get data in a wireless mode, after the logging stage?
Ok, I will dig more into the documentation then. We have the need to integrate the data reading code in a C tool that already read data from other devices, that is why.
Apologize for not reading the tutorial yet, I am just in an early stage of assessing what's available on the market.
Yes, of course (you get your smartphone or hub to download from the sensor log memory using bluetooth).