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edit(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.DataProcessor
Edits a data processor
editBleAdConfig() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Settings
Edit the ble advertising configuration
editBleConnParams() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Settings
Edit the ble connection parameters
editPattern(Led.Color) - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Led
Edit the pattern attributes for the desired color
editPattern(Led.Color, Led.PatternPreset) - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Led
Edit the pattern attributes for the desired color using a preset pattern as the initial attribute parameters
enable() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.IBeacon
Enable IBeacon advertising.
enableAutoSleep(AccelerometerMma8452q.SleepModeRate, int, AccelerometerMma8452q.Oversampling) - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerMma8452q.ConfigEditor
Variant of AccelerometerMma8452q.ConfigEditor.enableAutoSleep() that lets users configure the auto sleep settings to their use-case
enableAutoSleep() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerMma8452q.ConfigEditor
Enables the autosleep feature where the sensor transitions between different sampling rates depending on the frequency of interrupts
enableDoubleTap() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerBosch.TapConfigEditor
Enable double tap detection
enableDoubleTap() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerMma8452q.TapConfigEditor
Enable double tap detection
enableHighGx() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerBosch.LowHighConfigEditor
Enable high g detection on the x-axis
enableHighGy() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerBosch.LowHighConfigEditor
Enable high g detection on the y-axis
enableHighGz() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerBosch.LowHighConfigEditor
Enable high g detection on the z-axis
enableHighPassFilter(float) - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerMma8452q.ConfigEditor
Enables use of the high pass filter when measuring acceleration, closest valid frequency will be used.
enableIlluminatorLed() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.ColorTcs34725.ConfigEditor
Enable the illuminator LED
enableLowG() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerBosch.LowHighConfigEditor
Enable low g detection on all 3 axes
enableNotificationsAsync(BtleGattCharacteristic, BtleGatt.NotificationListener) - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.impl.platform.BtleGatt
Enable notifications for the characteristic
enablePowersave() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Debug
Places the board in a powered down state after the next reset.
enableSingleTap() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerBosch.TapConfigEditor
Enable single tap detection
enableSingleTap() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerMma8452q.TapConfigEditor
Enable single tap detection
enableTapLowPassFilter() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerMma8452q.ConfigEditor
Enables low pass filter for the tap detection algorithm
end() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.builder.RouteComponent
Signifies the end of a split or multicast route.
endRecordAsync() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Macro
Ends macro recording
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.DeviceInformation
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.impl.platform.BtleGattCharacteristic
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerBosch.AnyMotion
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerBosch.LowHighResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerBosch.Tap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerMma8452q.Movement
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerMma8452q.Tap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.ColorTcs34725.ColorAdc
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.IBeacon.Configuration
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.SensorFusionBosch.CalibrationData
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.SensorFusionBosch.CalibrationState
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.SensorFusionBosch.CorrectedAcceleration
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.SensorFusionBosch.CorrectedAngularVelocity
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.SensorFusionBosch.CorrectedMagneticField
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Settings.BatteryState
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Settings.BleAdvertisementConfig
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Settings.BleConnectionParameters
eraseAll() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Macro
Remove all macros on the flash memory.
EulerAngles - Class in
Encapsulates Euler angles, values are in degrees
EulerAngles(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class
eulerAngles() - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.SensorFusionBosch
Get an implementation of the AsyncDataProducer interface for euler angles, represented by the EulerAngles class.
exceedsThreshold(CartesianAxis) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.module.AccelerometerMma8452q.Movement
Check if acceleration is greater than the threshold on that axis
execute(DataToken) - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.builder.RouteComponent.Action
Writes the MetaWear commands to the board to be executed every time new token is created
execute(String, long, Runnable) - Method in class com.mbientlab.metawear.impl.platform.TimedTask
execute(byte) - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.module.Macro
Execute the commands corresponding to the macro ID
extra(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.mbientlab.metawear.Data
Extra information attached to this data sample
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