Offline position detection using macro


So, I'm having difficulties using the macro class.
The following code runs fine when the metawear is connected to my android phone:

 macroModule.record(new Macro.CodeBlock() {
public void commands() {

//.process(new Rss())
.process(new Average((byte) 8))
.process(new Threshold(0.9f, Threshold.OutputMode.BINARY))
.branch().process(new Comparison(Comparison.Operation.EQ, -1)).stream(NOUP_KEY)
.branch().process(new Comparison(Comparison.Operation.EQ, 1)).stream(UP_KEY)
.commit().onComplete(new AsyncOperation.CompletionHandler<RouteManager>() {
public void success(RouteManager result) {
result.subscribe(UP_KEY, new RouteManager.MessageHandler() { //setLogMessageHandler(UP_KEY, new RouteManager.MessageHandler() {

public void process(Message message) {

//Log.i(LOG_TAG, "UP");
hapticModule.startMotor((short) 500);

result.subscribe(NOUP_KEY, new RouteManager.MessageHandler() {//setLogMessageHandler(NOUP_KEY, new RouteManager.MessageHandler() {

public void process(Message message) {
//Log.i(LOG_TAG, "DOWN");

But the device stops responding when the connection is severed even though is it recorded in a macro.
How can I make sure this basic orientation sensor with haptic feedback remains functioning without Bluetooth connection.

The entire code can be found here:
But is very messy, mostly because I don't have previous experiance with Java.


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